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Embrace kulture (42 of 201)

In Uganda, only 6% of children with disabilities receive a basic education. 

Embrace Kulture is committed to changing this. We work hand in hand with governments, teachers and schools to build a system of quality inclusive education by developing teacher trainings, resources, and curriculum adaptions to provide teachers with the skills and tools to teach all learners. 


With our partner Amaanyi Empowerment Center,  the first and only Center in Uganda dedicated to empowering youth with special needs to achieve their potential.  Amaanyi is the Luganda word for Power! The Center provides a holistic education including life skills, self-advocacy, vocational training, therapeutic support and much more. It also serves as a hub for community inclusion, providing support to families, trainings for Ambassadors, and fostering awareness and acceptance.


Education is the key to change. It is the one gift that has an impact today and will compound through the life of a child.

  • $50:  Provide a child with school supplies

  • $75:  Sponsor a teacher's continued training

  • $100:  Equip an entire a classroom

  • $500:  Sponsor the scholarship fund for the children in greatest need

Our education champions!


We've set a goal of $5,000. If we achieve our goal the donation will be matched and we will be able to provide education support for student at the Amaayni Center for an entire year!

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