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Board Member

Originally from the UK, Anne has a background in public relations and communications, is a mother of two daughters, and an active member of her local community. She recently spent three years as the Parent Education Programs Manager for her local school district, including leading the effort to introduce student centered learning to enable all students to learn in the way that best suits their needs.



Why I Support Embrace Kulture:

As a parent and as a human being, it’s impossible to ignore the hardships that others endure as a result of misunderstanding disabilities, lack of funding, or external factors such as government. Since visiting Africa in my twenties, I have felt drawn to make a difference to the vast social and economic disparities between Africa and the countries I call home. I’m glad to advocate for children in Uganda because all children deserve the same opportunities.

What Program I'm Passionate About:

In Uganda, children with disabilities are often hidden from communities. They are locked up, mistreated, malnourished, and worse due to cultural misbelief and a severe lack of access to information. Embrace Kulture strives to put an end to this treatment. Through our outreach programs, we educate parents and communities about how to manage disabilities. This communication is vital to the success of our work. Our goal is to achieve a situation where there are no more hidden children. Where every child is celebrated for their own unique abilities, regardless of their circumstances. And where every child can be accepted, appreciated, and unharmed.

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